
Marty Chatrin

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Marty is the “old boy” in the Winnipeg scene having come from the Edmonton Punk Rock scene of the early 80s, then the Calgary Punk Rock scene of the 90’s and early 2000’s to playing his heart out here in Winnipeg since 2013. Marty crafted his unique style in his multiples of bands over the years. He is known as a “slugger” or what is called a power hitter. He breaks more sticks and cymbals then most but he loves his style and bombast and will not be turned down for anything!! He loves and enjoys playing in both the Murder Birds and Chernobyl Wolves and loves playing live and having the camaraderie of a vibrant scene where he has made so many great friends. To Marty, it is truly a thrill and an honour to not only being nominated but it is also a real blessing and huge honour to being able to play in this great music scene of ours. He is humbled and appreciates everything, and at his age, takes absolutely nothing for granted. Thank you!!

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