Band image of Ronnie Ladobruk

Ronnie Ladobruk

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What do you get when you put passion, perseverance, and hard work together? You get Ronnie Ladobruk.
Ronnie started his journey in music at 14 years old getting his first electric guitar for Christmas as a gift from his parents. With a pluck of the first note he would ever play he fell completely in love with the instrument and dedicated every waking second to learning his new passion and craft. These days you’ll often see him sharing the stage with legendary rock bands such as Cheap Trick, Nazareth, Buckcherry, Three Days Grace, Quiet Riot, and April Wine just to name a few. In 2019 Ronnie shared the stage with Cheap Trick and played their hit song Surrender to end the show with them. Rick Nielsen personally invited Ladobruk to the stage.Music is always first for Ronnie and he looks forward to continuing a lifelong journey with the guitar.

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