
Derek Graham

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I started music early but played Saxophone with school until 18… sold my sax and bought my first guitar- taught myself how to play guitar which led to me singing and learning other instruments. My first band was Proof of Evolution with Chris Kemp and Doug from Fugr in Brandon Mb, but my first vocalist position was in a band called “Dangerous Goods” from Thunderbay… after and accident in 2003 I ended my music career with a wrist injury where doctors said I would never hold a guitar again let alone play one… 10 years later in Brandon .Started playing again shortly with Terry Brown in Monkey Plunger… after that band crashed moved out to Hamiota… Again music was on hold if not gone.. .one day in 2015 (3 years after I contacted Butch to try and find someone in Hamiota to sell me pot only to be told “I don’t know what you heard about me but I dont do that) Butch Man messaged me on Facebook (through friends) asking if I would come over and jam with him and another guy (Mickey Wilson) this led to the start of Simple Jack.

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